Goal Creation - Goal Category

Goal Creation - Goal Category


At the time of making Goals you need to decide on which parameters you wish to set your goals on. You can set Goals on the all the following parameters or any one of them, the choice is yours. You can make as many number of goals required for your convenience.

Types of Goal Category are :

1. Purchase : Choose Purchase if you require to set the Goals based on purchase conversions.

2. Subscribe / Signup : Choose Subscription / Signup if you require to set the Goals based on Subscription / Signup conversions.

3. Page Visits :  Choose Page Visits if you require to set Goals based on the number of visits on your website. 

4. Link Clicks: This will count the number of clicks happening on links on your page. You need to mention the URL of the link which needs to be tracked on your page in the "Enter URL Links" area. 

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