Integrate with Leadpages

Integrate your Influence Campaign with Leadpages in under 1 minute.

Integrate your Influence Campaign with LeadPages in under 1 minute.

Step 1: Go to your LeadPages Editor area.

Step 2: Find your pixel, and paste it in Head Section Tracking Code which you will find in Tracking > Analytics and then click on save to sync it up.

[Note: if you are using the LeadBoxes feature as well, then you need to have it installed on the LeadBoxes as well]

Click here to read more on it.

Once you're done with setting up your pixel, you need to verify it.

Click here to learn how to verify your Influence pixel.

If you're still facing any issues, then you can contact us through the support section, & we'd be more than happy to assist you with it.

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