Integrate with InstaPage

Connecting with InstaPage can be done in under 5 minutes.

Connecting with InstaPage can be done in under 5 minutes.

Here's what you have to do;

Step 1: Open your InstaPage account and select a landing page where you want to you want to capture the signup. Open that then next you inside the landing page builder. Click on the settings area.


Step 2: Once you have clicked on the settings area you will see the javascript option, then click on it.


Step 3: Once you are inside the javascript area then the next thing to do is to find your Influence pixel, and then install in the head tag and then save and publish it.

And then you are good to go, and you can test your pixel/campaign whether it is working or not.

[Note: You will have to see the landing page url and figure how you want to run the campaign, whether you want this to your display area or your capture area, that;s for you to figure out]

And once you're done with pasting the pixel, you need to verify the pixel.

Click here to learn how to verify your pixel.

If you're still facing any issues, then you can contact us through the support section, & we'd be more than happy to assist you with it.

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